MTG - Universes Beyond: Doctor Who - Product Reservations!
Collector Booster Box - $309.99*!
Commander Decks - $64.99 ea*!
*In-store pickup only
Be sure to pre-order your product today!
Join The Doctor, their companions, and iconic foes
in epic battles!
We are happy to announce Magic the Gathering’s newest Universes Beyond collaboration - Doctor Who
Look below to see when your favorite products will become available.
Release (Oct. 13th): Collector Boosters and Commander Decks
Celebrating 60 incredible years of
wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff!
Bigger On the Inside: TARDIS Showcase
The TARDIS is more than just The Doctor's reliable mode of transport across the universe—she's as much of her own character as anyone else in the series. With her presence so integral, it was only right that she got a Showcase frame for the set.
Planechase in Every Deck
As The Doctor hops across space and time with their companions, so too can your players hop across planes. Each Universes Beyond: Doctor Who Commander Deck contains new Planechase cards for players to use in their games, featuring iconic locations in the Doctor Who franchise.

But wait- there’s more!
TARDIS Showcase treatment versions of each Doctor are also in the set, plus other key allies and foes!
-additionally, serialized versions of each Doctor can also be found in Collector Boosters!
To find out more information about these products, feel free to call any one of our stores!
Franklin: (414)-427-8800 | Brookfield: (262)-786-9800 | Mequon: (262)-292-8000